
My name is Stella and I love eating.
I'm currently attached to Kairen on the 8th of April.
I love shopping and working too!
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Friday, April 30, 2010
More Photos....

Written @ 8:05 PM

end work liao...
waiting for baby to pick mi up... dunno he reach liao ma...
todae veri busy lor.....

hmm... todae very late home... hahhha...
good ma .. got OT... hahaha

Written @ 6:21 PM


Written @ 1:45 PM

Lunch Time...

But baby nv buy mii lunch ...
so sad but my coll buy mii lunch later...
cuz now busy in lunch time..

hmmmm... tml labour dae so good no need to work...
tml have BBQ... must take alot of photo & upload ...

life is always like tt...
u have job to work u will feel teird..
u don't have job to work u also feel teird....
wat the problem this whole world....

Written @ 12:36 PM

Angry angry la. Baby gal got handsomeboy lor. Nth to say. Bye?!!!!

Written @ 12:18 PM

Thursday, April 29, 2010
....... PHOTOS .......




Written @ 7:31 PM

Back Home (Home Sweet Home)

Weeeeeeee...... yeah , tml work then sat & sun no need to work...
hahhaha... baby come fetch mi home so sweet of him hahhaa...
ii love you baby !!!!

just was veri busy in work & paper work... But ii intend to finish it...
hmmmm... ii wanna upload photo now hahhaha...

Written @ 7:09 PM

now in office do nth...
just had lunch with baby just now...
baby ate Aston & ii ate mixed veg rice...
baby hao min!!! hahahhaha ...
hmmm.... baby later come n pick mii up....
love ya...

Written @ 1:38 PM

Everything I do It for yr own good. Sry if im too firece. But I mean no harm. Just wanna u b a good gal. BabyGal down in my heart I reali love u. So I won't leave ya. Cya for lunch later. Muackk!

Written @ 8:42 AM

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Lunch Time!!

ii already had lunch with baby ...
we had aston for our lunch..

now in office workin workin..
chatting with cheryl in the phone now..

hmmm.. Later will be busy think so..
baby went home now resting later come n pick mi home...
yeah yeah...

love ya baby...

Written @ 1:04 PM

baby help mi buy lunch...
nv buy call mii , got buy call mii also thnks...
hope so ...

love ya...


Written @ 10:41 AM

haven lunch yet..
hmmm... having tt stupid fire alarm just now..
everyone was coming out of the building bcuz of the alarm..

Written @ 9:49 AM

Halo. I m sweet okay. Tat is wat u say can. Everyday send u go work now I m so early in sch sitting down lyke a idiot waiting for lesson to start. Not I dun wan send u. Is u c ah I send u go work now need waiting for my lesson to start. So freaking long. 1hour n 30 minutes. Boring. If u dare to attiude mi. I mao u den u Noe! :)) jk!!! I nvr blame u la. I noe u very tired but no choice la. Kk work hard. Love ya. Byeeeeeeeee

Sweetie who??
Kairen la :))

Written @ 8:34 AM

morning everyone...
todaey is a good good day...
hmmm.. good luck cheryl for ur teeth appointment...
hahahha... hmmm... going to work soon..
now in office... going to have my breakfast too...

miss baby

Written @ 8:17 AM

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Hahah .... Baby u sweet meh?? Hahha my cute little pig ...
Hmmm ... Baby I really hope everydae u can send mi work &
fetch mi from work.. Heheh ... I dunno leh .. Just feel very happy
when u come to fetch mi haha.. I love u baby ..

Just now I meet Cheryl out & baby also at tpy centralhave dinner
really dahm hungry lor .... Then we walk walk ..after tt mi n baby went home
& Cheryl went to meet wee ... Then yup now at home blogging & facebook hahah
hmmm... Really happy going out with Cheryl can learn alot good thing la ..

Really long time never login facebook & miss QQ & baby also haha
todae ii attiude baby again is my fault la sry baby ...
This few days very fan lor heheh... Forgive mi kk ?? Love u

Nite baby :)

Written @ 11:35 PM

Hi every1 is mi tat sweet baby la. Ahahaha. I m famous. Ahaha. My babygal dun laZy hor. Time change liao. Must work hard le. Kk?? Love u many many my v v v power baby!!

The sweetie
kairen :))

Written @ 1:52 PM

mornin baby ,

saw you blog into my blog... so sweet of you..
hmmm... okok... ii promise ii wont like tt liao..
todae will b busy... hmmmm.. lunch time buy mii lunch kk...
love ya...

Written @ 7:48 AM

Baby I invert yr blog again. Ahahah. Sry la. I Noe u very tired but u need work. No choice wan. Takecare at work love ya.!!

Written @ 6:32 AM

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Hmm... I m helping babyGal to blog man. Cool rite. She is slping lyke a pig. Ahahahaha. Guess she is super tired. She just slp talk dunno wat sia. Now got some sound from her. Must b starting engine soon. Ahahaha. Enjoy yr pig slp. Love ya many many.

Kairen :))

Written @ 9:03 PM

Friday, April 23, 2010
hmmm... at cheryl house & doing nth.. playing with the crazy dog..
CUTE sia.. hahaha... haiiss.. login to facebook now...hmmm.. tml got work 8am-5pm
siao sia.. everyone laughin at mii lor.. u all dont laugh at mii one dae ii will take off n laugh u all back hor... hahaha... kidding la...

Written @ 10:14 PM

Chat with cheryl & baby just now... hahhaa funny..
actually my friend buying mii lunch so ii waitin lor.. hahaha..
hmmm.. thinkin when can ii be RICH...

But sometime u veri rich , u dont feel happy..
But sometime u poor , u also dont feel happy too..
so dunno la , 1 step 1 step see how lor .. haha....

baby , ii dont fuck care whether u got money or no money ..
As Long As You Love Me Will Do!!!!
ii just wanna ur love n care :) ii will change but need to take times.. so ii willing to change for u...

*love u baby*

Written @ 12:38 PM

Lunch Time!!

hmmm.. Baby nv buy me lunch todae... sad sad.. he LAZY!! miiss him also..
hmmm.. think tt sometime really treat him so bad.. ii also feel bad too but ii still love him
tough ii angry or throw temper at him..

All ii wan is his care , love & dote.. baby sorry if ii sometime or everydae (hahaha) bully , throw temper or attiude u SORRY!!!
hehehe , happy happy okok..
veri sian , just finish my bread as ii brought in the morning .. not bad lor , inside have Tuna & Egg Mayo .. nice nice...
baby wat u doing now?? missing u , u know???

Hope tt my baby todae come pick mii up when ii end work.. heheheh.. ii just oly wanna spend sometime with him outside ..
loving loving sweet... heheheh...

ii miss QQ also.. dunno wat QQ doing at there?? wanna meet QQ soon hahhaha.... Yeah , baby we tgt go find QQ okokok..
everybody going for they are lunch now.. ii in the offiice doing nth , bloggin lor.. hahhah...

okoko.. till here la ..
will post end work time..

:) ii love you kairen :)

Written @ 12:03 PM

in office now... hahah... the air-con very cold.. baby send miito work then go back home cuz his sch start at 11am plus... then hmmm.. late again haiiss... next time must wake around 7am then perpare my thing n all tt around 7.20am-7.30am go out to work.. hmmm.. hope todae nth to do again... hahaha scare the taxis drivers .. very hot temper one lor.. siann... hahhaha.. hmmm.. okok.. till here .. any update ii will post out...

Love u BaBy...

Written @ 8:28 AM

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Boring .... whole dae nth to do... have la , about 2 plus went a lesson about the form thing.. hahhaa... really dunno wat they talking but understand abit.. now in office & try to go in facebook but cant .. ii login to blogger CAN !!! hahha.. happy sia , hahha.. hmmm.. going off soon with baby parents to gong gong house have dinner ii think... hahahha.. hmmm.. now 6pm liao.. haiisss everydae this time rainnin then baby cannot come pick mii up...

Yeah , found my IC hahah is inside baby pants pocket.. hahha funny hor.. in lunch time baby came n brought mi lunch n happy..


Written @ 5:55 PM

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Today took MC cuz ii feel giddy. Not feelin well lor , so ii went to Polyclinic to see doctor wait veri veri the long lor , about 3 hours wo.. Baby tgt with mii took MC & see doctor tgt.. so sweet of him.. but he is abit noisy till we reached home .. till now also ar!!! OMG , he cooked the Roti Prata for mii & the prata is tgt with the ham.. ahhahah.. creative hor he & 2 eggs black black one..

ii love him so much.. hahah .. he is soooo CUTE...

Written @ 5:51 PM


Written @ 2:59 PM