
My name is Stella and I love eating.
I'm currently attached to Kairen on the 8th of April.
I love shopping and working too!
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mY lOv3 oNesss

My 2nd Blog
Lynn Mei
Joshua Bro
Monday, May 31, 2010
our love will nv change

Written @ 12:51 PM

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Written @ 8:40 AM

Thursday, May 27, 2010
my lunch from canteen package :)

Written @ 1:38 PM

Working (Full Day)

Sad today work full day no half day SAD leh!!!!
hmmm.. ppl got half day i don have...

this few daes always have ups & downs with my bf...
quarrel , argue lor!!! then i always CRY!!! is like everyday lor...
haiissss.. don make me give up.. cuz its really tiring to be like this...
haiisss... just now baby call me and sae sorry to me cuz today morning we quarrel again
& i cry tooo... cuz its hurt when ever he scold me... it nv been like this b4

baby u change ??
baby u don love me??
baby u hate me??
baby break with me??
will u be like that??

i dunnooo.... just feeling very bad mood everyday..
come work also get scolding... haiiissss

Written @ 10:08 AM

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Going to END work lu!!!

Yeah... going to end work soon..
today stomach cramp whole day die die...
today my work ok la... my ownself do lor..
then today had lunch with baby hahhaa...
baby bring me go eat hong kong cafe :)
so sweet of him!!!! love ya... <3
muackk muackk!!!!

baby thnks for bringing me to Hong Kong Cafe had lunch :)
ii am happy today because of U!!! :P

Written @ 4:55 PM

Monday, May 24, 2010

Written @ 6:07 PM

Today totally no accident report...
got la... 1 lor... hahaha i did one ok...
don see me so stupid and silly silly hor...
i very intelligent HOR!!!

:P very very bored now... thinking of where to go this thursday & friday :P

cheryl birthday coming soon very the SOON... hahahha... dunno wan to buy her wat...
cheryl where to celebrate ur birthday??? hmmmmm... lets think & plan ba.... :)

Written @ 3:50 PM

today i come that one hahhaha..
yeah no need to worry so much...
cuz i scare jump date then veri confused to count to day...
YEAH.... normally ii come is 21 , 22 , 23 one ...every month la..

ohohoho... heard cheryl say ah wee is sick...
faster recover lor ah wee kor kor.... :)

Written @ 2:24 PM

lunch time over!!!

yeah.... veri veri full da bao from canteen...
canteen very cheap ma... hahaha...
hmmm... then rest awhile in office then have chat with my friend hindri & angie..
then came up to work cuz lunch time finish... hmmmm..
hope today don be so busy... hehehehhe... scare cock up :)

working liao...bye

Written @ 1:06 PM




Written @ 11:41 AM

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Yeah going to End work liao... But muz wait for an hour for
baby to knock off work and come fetch me :)
And abit happy is ii know how to do the work thing & paper
work.. just muz slowly do ii will cope it lor...
thnks to anyone that really give me confidence and BABY
thnks too... ii have ur support ok liao :) ii got power liao...
hahhaha... sry this few again attiude u sry...
throw temper at u sry ...
but u also lor

Written @ 4:28 PM

Boy smoking like a pro: Don't let this happen to S'pore kids
STOMPer charcos came across this video of a young Indonesian boy enjoying a puff with the approval of his parents and hopes that Singaporeans would do everything they can so that children here don't end up like him."I was appalled when I watched the video because the boy seems to be enjoying his cigarette and his parents were encouraging him to smoke."I hope that children in Singapore do not end up like that child."
According to a Straits Times report, 25% of Indonesian children aged between 3 and 15, have already tried smoking, with 3.2% already active smokers.Child advocates are speaking out about the health damage to children from secondhand smoke, and the growing pressure on them to pick up a cigarette in a country where one-third of the population uses tobacco and single cigarettes can be bought for a few cents. But speaking out about the anti-smoking message in Indonesia is tough, as it is the world's third largest consumer of tobacco products and a bill on tobacco control has been stalled due to opposition from the tobacco industry.

Written @ 2:34 PM

ii had my lunch!!
and now feeling veri cold in office hoping to have a hot drink hehehe...
hmmmm... now nth to do & i think ltr also got nth to do...
haisss.... now hoping the time now is 5pm!!! faster end work la.......
hmmmmmmm.... thirsty leh... lazy to go down buy drink... siiannnn lor........

Written @ 1:20 PM

lunch time - waiting for food come
bad mood - cuz get scolded again
not feeling well - feel veri giddy
stress - stress about work all that stuff
misses - missing my QQ , baby & cheryl (wish faster over n meet her for dinner ba)
hated - hate experince ppl that really like to show off or proud!!!
busy - just now busy takin report
boring - when nth to do
scare - scare scolding again

Written @ 12:42 PM

Friday, May 21, 2010
in office

got nothing to do... took photo and upload hahhaha...silly rite....

Written @ 2:06 PM

Girls scream when disgusting 'Cockroach Man' walks into poly canteen

It was lunch time at Ngee Ann Polytechnic when students found themselves gagging and screaming at the sight of this man, who was covered in plastic cockroaches from head to toe.STOMPer Tammy was one of the people who felt sickened when the 'Cockroach Man' walked into the food court. Many frightened girls screamed as the man roamed around the canteen with hundreds of cockroaches all over his body. Disgusted by the man's presence, STOMPer Tammy says:"This disgusting cockroach guy was walking around Makan Place at Ngee Ann Poly during lunch time! "Of all places why the !@#$% must he come to Makan Place when people are eating? "It's damn gross. "Many girls actually screamed and freaked out when they saw him. "OMG. I can't imagine if it was lizards instead. I would just die!".

Written @ 1:07 PM

lunch time over ....

now waiting for driver come and collect they are veh then do paper work...
Sian lorrrrr...... ii think ii am ok with it la for the paper work :p

okok ii go work liao .... take care Cheryl & baby!!!!

Written @ 1:01 PM

Hi Everyone !!!

Today will be busy cuz start from todae ii will be alone work cuz my coll stomach pain ii think she going to give birth soon... ??? dunnoo?? so ii must lu li lu li... work hard & don late for work.. hahahha... oppsss tts my weak point of getting late hahaha :P

so.. lunch time ii waiting for my coll mavis called me when the food is at work place lor...
cuz our friend go da bao... hmmmm sae the food.. the food now come liao ii am going to eat now...
so bye bye...

love u baby!!!

Written @ 11:15 AM

Thursday, May 20, 2010
MC Day!!!
Today MC cuz ii have Red Eyes very WORSE!!!
then ii going to see doctor ltr.. then going home resting..
MC cannot go anywhere.. hahhaha...
hmmmm... today must tidy room cuz baby lazy dunno how to tidy room
so ii do lor... so poor thing rite... hahhaha.. No la...
Actually is me the one who make the room messy..
Hehehhhee... oppsss.. sry la... baby..hahhaha
baby ii love u... Muack!!!
always be there for me thnks..
always lend me ur shoulder to ly thnks...
always throw temper at u but u didnt scolda me at all thnks...
always make me laugh thnks..
always love me so much thnks...
always help me do many many thing thnks...
always hug me tight nv let me go thnks...
always nag at me not to do this or must do that thnks TOO...(hahahha)
always send me work everyday thnks... (xinku)
always accompany me eat lunch thnks....(eat like PIG!!! hahah)
most important thing is that
ii will always love u forever & ever!!!!

Written @ 10:09 AM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
GOing to END work lu.....YEAH!!!!

hahahhah... today baby nv fetch me is baby DAD cuz raining...
hmmm.. the same la hahhahha.... raining just now so BIG!!!
hmmmm.... Cheryl gal always my Best & Forever friend ...hehehhe (abit miss u)
today weather not so bad... but when ever the time everyone going to go home will sure

Mr Rain , pls go away when everybody started to packed they are thing and going home...
making everyone so no MOOD lor... mii too better get off my side if not ii am going up to tell GOD ar!!!! hahhahha.... silly stella talking silly thing.. ppl will tot ii siao..

But ii am a always gives ppl SMILE... heheheh... but abit SHY la... ii gal leh... not BOY leh...
ii always SIAO when ii with my CLOSE friend especiallly CHERYL!!! hahhahaha... tgt SIAO lor...
hahahha... she like mii , ii like herr.... heheheh... like tt lor...

Today alot alot of accident to do... But ii notice tt all case is my driver go kiss ppl Backside!!
WTF!! rite... so today all my driver so unlucky... hahhaha....

I post alot of STOMP pic and things la... hmmm... hahahha... cuz nth to do in office ma...
forgive mii la.... hehehhehe.... :P

okok la... to much of my nosenese-(izzit like tt spell??? can someone correct me???) hahhahah

BYE everyone Stay HAPPY :)

Written @ 5:07 PM

Student forces kisses on reluctant GF in the open at MRT station

Said the STOMPer:"This happened yesterday evening (April 20)."I saw these two secondary school students in school uniform openly making out in the train station."They made it seem as if the members of the public boarding and alighting the trains were invisible. Both of them just continued making out when there were no people around."I noticed that the guy was forcing kisses on the girl. I assume she was his girlfriend."The girl was quite reluctant to allow the guy to kiss her but obliged to it."By doing this in the public, you are not only bringing down the name of your school but also being a disgrace in public."No matter how desperate you are, please find a private place to do it or the best is to get a room behind closed doors."Such cases are getting more and more common in Singapore and it shows that the secondary school education has failed to educate the students on the right values and to project the right image of themselves in public."Through social media, it allows people to have the freedom of speech and to voice out their opinion on things that make them feel unpleasant."You can choose to do what you want as long as you don't get caught."

Written @ 3:26 PM

Lifeguard chases guy with 'TV head' out of Toa Payoh kids' pool

"This TV-head man was spotted all ready to go for a dip in a kids’ pool at Toa Payoh Swimming Complex, until the lifeguard chased him away. "Question is, why wasn’t he allowed in the pool?"Is it really dangerous to be in a swimming complex with a TV head, or are we being too cautious? "After all, it looked like he only wanted to take a dip in the wading pool. "Quite harmless right?"

Written @ 3:25 PM

Doc and ex-GF in legal fight over pet dog

A PET terrier is at the centre of a High Court battle between a surgeon and his ex-girlfriend, who both want the dog after their split.Dr Tan Kok Chye, 36, and Ms Connie Tan, 29, a business executive, are tussling for custody of the dog, Sasha.They first got the dog in August 2008, when they were living in the United States. Shortly after that, the pair broke up. Ms Tan returned to Singapore in November that year with Sasha.She remained on cordial terms with Dr Tan, however, and registered herself as Sasha’s owner with the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) and looked after it in her Sembawang flat.In March this year, however, Sasha, now two years old, disappeared from her home while she was at work. Her parents were at home, but the door of the flat was unlocked.In court papers, she claimed that just over a week later, she learnt that Sasha was at a Cavenagh Road apartment where Dr Tan lived with his mother, Dr Lee Seow Lang, a paediatrician.Since then, Dr Lee has looked after the terrier on her son’s behalf.Ms Tan claimed Dr Tan may have taken the dog from her home, and alleged that he had tried to do so once before, last October. She said she tried to get the dog back, but failed. Earlier this month, she filed a civil suit for its return.In documents filed with the court, Dr Tan claims he is Sasha’s joint owner and therefore entitled to it. He said he had registered himself as the owner of the dog two years ago, when the couple got Sasha from an animal shelter, the Greater Birmingham Humane Society, in the American state of Alabama, where they were living at the time.While Ms Tan claimed she had Dr Tan’s permission to bring Sasha back to Singapore, he said he allowed her to do so on the understanding that he would get the dog back.Ms Tan, meanwhile, claimed that she had been distraught after Sasha was taken from her, and even suffered bouts of depression as a result.All her attempts to resolve the dispute with Dr Tan’s family proved fruitless, she added.Her lawyer, Mr Ragbir Singh Bajwa, argued that his client had been looking after Sasha for a long time and claimed that Dr Tan had agreed to the arrangement. “No amount of damages can compensate for the grief and longing which has resulted from the forced separation,” he added.However, when contacted, Mr R. Narayanan, who represents Dr Lee, said both mother and son had offered to return the dog but Ms Tan came up with “certain conditions that were unacceptable”.The cost of the tussle has rocketed way beyond the small fee that the couple paid for the abandoned puppy. Typically, a terrier such as Sasha would cost about $1,500 here. The legal fees and costs in a High Court case, however, start from $8,000.In the latest development yesterday, High Court Justice Chan Seng Onn granted Ms Tan’s request for the dog to be handed over to her until the ownership dispute is resolved. It is understood the AVA licence under which Ms Tan registered Sasha stipulates that the dog must reside at her Sembawang flat.A pre-trial conference for the case will be held next week, with a full trial scheduled for later in the year.

Written @ 3:07 PM

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Poly girl writes about her sex life and 'foursome' in blog

“I came across this blog, apparently belonging to a 20-year-old Singaporean girl from a polytechnic, who openly writes about her active casual sex life, even talking about having a foursome with her partner and another couple.“She posted sexy photos of herself, many taken in hotel rooms.“She also mentioned how she got a vibrator from a male friend for her birthday.“Find it ironic that she writes in her blog about how she knows she has disappointed her parents, yet she posted her family photos in there, for all to see.“Disturbing to know how technology such as the Internet has debilitated our youngsters' sense of shame -- they seem to want to share everything with the whole world.”

Written @ 5:56 PM

Hot car show babes in sexy little bikinis

Written @ 5:51 PM

Raining Day

so heavy, ii am thinking baby how to come and pick mi up???
can someone tell mii??
So Cold!!!!

Written @ 5:25 PM

我還在尋找 一個依靠和一個擁抱誰替我祈禱 替我煩惱 為我生氣為我鬧
幸福開始有預兆 緣分讓我們慢慢緊靠然后孤單被吞沒了我倆變得有話聊 有變化了
小酒窩常見到 是你最美的記號
我每天睡不著 想念你的微笑
你不知道 你對我多麼重要
小酒窩常見到 迷人的無可救藥
我放慢了步調 感覺像是盒資料
幸福開始有預兆 緣分讓我們慢慢緊靠然后孤單被吞沒了我倆變得有話聊 有變化了
小酒窩常見到 是你最美的記號
我每天睡不著 想念你的微笑
你不知道 你對我多麼重要
小酒窩常見到 迷人的無可救藥
我放慢了步調 感覺像是盒資料
WO~小酒窩常見到 迷人的無可救藥JJ : 我放慢了步調 感覺像是盒資料

Written @ 5:19 PM

Shouldn’t it be ‘FairPrice’? They’ve typed it as ‘Farirprice’

Written @ 5:05 PM

This exhibit allows people to view the outside world from underwater. STOMPer wonders if it is possible for people to live inside a 'swimming pool' in the near future. "I came across this exhibition that plays with illusions. "When I came across the first photo, I thought it looked so real - Is it really possible to live inside a swimming pool? In this age where space constraint is one of the rising problems in overpopulated cities, this seems like a neat deal. "Upon further reading, this is one of the permanent exhibits in the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa.

Written @ 4:11 PM

HE WAS too fat to have sex with his wife the normal way. And when she offered to have anal intercourse with him, he felt it was not right to do so as it was against his religion.
So he turned on his 14-year-old daughter, raped her three times and got her pregnant.
Such was the 43-year-old odd job labourer’s twisted logic when he spoke to a psychiatrist.
It was the fault of his wife of 21 years, he said.
Never mind that it was he who had grown too fat for the act after serving six years in jail for aggravated molest against the same child.
As for raping his daughter again, he told the psychiatrist: “For me, nothing lah. I don’t think to harm her. She said don’t. I said to her, no need to worry.”
Yesterday, the man was jailed 36 years and given the maximum 24 strokes of the cane after he pleaded guilty to three charges of rape and one charge of sexual assault by penetration.
Four other charges including molest, having unnatural sex and possessing obscene films were taken into consideration during sentencing.
In 1998, he had been jailed six years and caned 12times for molesting the same daughter.
The victim, the younger of two children, was only six years old then.
The plump man showed no emotion when Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Ramu Miyapan called him a “menacing beast” and an “incorrigible monster”.
We are not naming the man as there is a court order not to identify the victim, who is now 17 and schooling.
The court heard that the man first raped his daughter some time between February and September 2007, four years after he was released from jail.
He was alone at home with the girl when he called her into his room and told her to remove her clothes. The girl refused but complied after he insisted.
He made her perform oral sex on him and raped her.
More than a year later, in December 2008, the man again raped his daughter at home, this time after he watched a pornographic movie.
She became pregnant.
Six months later, on June 22 last year, the man was again watching a porn movie when he had the urge to have sex. He called his daughter to his bedroom and raped her.
The next day, the girl told her father that she had not had a period for a few months.
The man then took her out for dinner and bought a pregnancy test kit. The result was positive.
She immediately told her father, who was watching a porn movie.
He told her that if the matter came to light, she was to lie to the police that he had sex with her only once when he was drunk.
Right after saying that, he made the girl perform oral sex on him.
Later that day, when the man left home for work, the girl sent an SMS to her mother telling her that she needed to discuss an important matter with her.
The girl’s mother is a customer service operator who works shifts. When told about the sexual assaults, the woman got the girl and her sibling to pack their belongings. Together, they fled to a relative’s home.
The girl made a police report the next day. Her father was arrested that evening.
She was sent for a medical examination and was found to be 26 to 27 weeks pregnant.
The teenager delivered a baby girl in September last year. The baby was given up for adoption.
The court heard that this was not the first time the man had laid his hands on his daughter.
He began molesting the girl when she was only six and, in August 1998, he was convicted of two charges of aggravated molest against her.
DPP Ramu Miyapan told the court that back then, the man had said in his mitigation: “I love my family. Please give me another chance to redeem myself.”
Yet, he went on to commit the latest offences.
Mr Ramu added that the “obviously unrepentant” man had inflicted long-term psychological harm on his daughter.
In her victim impact statement, the girl said that she hated her father for hurting her. She had also developed grave concerns about being despised by boys her age.
Said Mr Ramu: “She has not been able to speak to anyone about the ordeals and lives in a world of fear that one day this sordid past may come back to haunt her.”
The girl said that she has flashbacks of the abuse.
Yesterday, the man, who did not have a lawyer, again pleaded for leniency.
In a handwritten letter, he asked the judge not to impose a harsh sentence on him.
He wrote: “I’m really repentant and remorseful. If Your Honour allows me to meet my children and wife, I’d like to ask for their forgiveness.
“This is my last request.”
His plea cut no ice with Justice Woo Bih Li.
Said the judge: “You’ve asked for leniency but this is not your first sexual offence... I agree with the prosecutor that you are an incorrigible monster.
“I cannot order your children and wife to see you. It’s up to them if they want to see you or not.”
None of his family members were in court.
For rape, the man could have been jailed 20 years and caned.
For committing sexual assault by penetration, he could have been jailed 20 years and caned.

Written @ 4:01 PM

A CABBY and a transvestite were caught in the throes of passion by a policeman on patrol in Changi.Yesterday, taxi driver Lee Hak Huat (right), 53, and beauty adviser Khairy Sulaiman, 28, were each fined $800 for behaving in an indecent manner.They admitted to appearing nude and engaging in sexual activities inside Lee’s cab, which was parked at Turnhouse Road, opposite the former Changi Hospital, in the early hours of April 23.A magistrate’s court heard that Lee had met Khairy earlier at Changi Village and began chatting. They agreed to have sex and Khairy got into Lee’s taxi. There, Khairy removed his top, while Lee removed his pants. Khairy allowed Lee to caress him.About 15 minutes later, police officer Adrian Quek passed by and detained them.Pleading for leniency, Khairy said he was a first-time offender. Lee had nothing to say.Both could have been fined up to $1,000 or jailed for up to one month each.

Written @ 3:53 PM

STOMPer Geomancer came across an article in a local tabloid, where a man's breasts had grown excessively large. Doctors are stumped by the case, and one doctor even thought that the man could have eaten chicken meat containing female hormones.The STOMPer said in an email to us on Apr 9:"On April 9, the local tabloid Xin Ming Ri Bao carried a report on a Chinese man whose breasts had grown excessively large. "The cow hand named Guo Feng, 53, after seeing several doctors in his hometown, decided to seek medical advice from a hospital in Beijing. "He said that about 10 years ago, he noticed that his breasts suddenly became enlarged until they became as big as a watermelon. "A doctor from Jinan Chest Hospital told him that she had never seen a similar case in her medical practice of 30 years. She suspected that he might have eaten the wrong food or food containing impurities. "However blood tests and x-ray examination revealed that the patient had excess animal fat."A local doctor told the Xin Ming reporter that the Chinese man could have consumed stewed chicken breast containing female hormones and that resulted in his breasts ballooning beyond control."

Written @ 3:52 PM

STOMPer G-Girl was disturbed when female blogger Qiu Qiu recently asked her readers to pay for her breast augmentation surgery in her blog. She wonders whether such behaviour is healthy.On her blog, Qiu Qiu had said that she wanted sponsorship so that she could 'openly share' the experience of getting implants on her blog, claiming that she was not out to 'squeeze money' out of her readers. Said the STOMPer in an email today (May 14):"It is disturbing to see blogger-models nowadays aggressively looking for sponsorship. "Frustrating as it is, they are constantly getting free deals and 'brainwashing' their readers. "This call for sponsorship for breast augmentation surgery from Qiu Qiu, was it meant to be a joke? Or did she really mean it? "'Oh, and.. I already have a hair sponsor, clothings sponsorssss, plenty of movies to go to, invites to good meals and a YACHT RIDE for my birthday'. "Is this a healthy sign?"

Written @ 3:43 PM

RWS cashier stole $10K from casino and gambled it away

FORMER cashier of Resorts World Sentosa was jailed for two months on Monday for theft of $10,000 at the casino.Lim Ee Wah, 39, who pleaded guilty to the April 6 offence, has made full restitution.The court heard that her colleague, Ms Cheng Chooi Hsia, 30, was on duty at a cage when she took two bundles of $50 notes, totalling $10,000, to be counted in a flipping machine behind her but the machine was busy.She then turned around to attend to other customers and forgot about the notes.Shortly, Lim also went to the machine to have some cash counted when she saw the unattended notes and took them together with the cash that had been counted. During her two break periods, she managed to sneak out the $10,000 and hid them in her locker.She was arrested nine days later and spent the money in gaming activities. The mother of two could have been jailed for up to seven years and fined for theft as a servant.

Written @ 3:41 PM

Young couple makes out at Bishan library after school

guess wat they doing man...??? hahhahahhaa

Written @ 3:36 PM

This message is for Cheryl - my really true friend


Though we tgt know each other not so long but really happy hanging out with u & tgt with u.....
Though ii admit tt lasttime ii don like u cuz ii nv know u much & sae lan jiao thing behind u lasttime , ii feel so BAD now :( so sorry if u angry now...
But now ii know u abit & u change me so much (not much la, hahhaha) & teach me how to
makeup somemore hahahhaa &more....

Just wanna sae THANK YOU Cheryl for everything tt u do for me or changing me to another person....

*now ii really know who is my True Friend...

- A true friend is very diffcult to find...
- A true friend will always there for u (friend) no matter wat happen...
- A true friend will really sit beside u & lend u her/his ear to u...
- A true friend will change u a Good & Better person...
- A true friend will teach u how to bake cake...(hahhahaha)

most important thing is .....



Written @ 2:52 PM

Lunch Time Over!!!
ii now at office... doing nth... hehehhe....
had lunch with baby... miss ya baby...
ii think Meiyen not feeling well...
hmmmm... wanna ask her is she alright anot??
don dare hahhaha
hope she ok!!!

Written @ 2:24 PM

Sian after having breakfast i went up to work then get scolded again of giving wrong advice
to drive then say that if not sure thing ask her cuz she got experinces. I was thinking if i ask her , she will not tell me lor. Siann... i was thinking whether i should change to other job anot.. very fan..she don smile too!!! Ppl is always like that when they are SO experinces...
Like no ones talking ....very quiet.. feeling very uncomfortable...Had my breakfast just now....
Everyday come work will have one feeling SCARE!!! hahahha... don ask me why... cuz ii really dunno why ii will feel this way .... ???
lunch time now but not going for lunch now waiting for my baby to come and pick mi up and had lunch... cuz this few daes nv had lunch tgt with baby... He feel so sad when ii negectled him ... So sorry baby.. don feel like this ... ii always love u kk... :)
Ytd i baked a cake for Clara Jie, actually is Cheryl help mi one, thnks to her too!!! But hope Clara Jie like it!!! Cuz this cake is Japanese Cheese Cake...
hmmm.... her birthday is tml ... So ii here wish her Happy Birthday & always stay Pretty like a Princess..

Written @ 12:14 PM

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Lunch Time Over!!!

hahhaa... just came back from lunch hahhaa...
had lunch with mr david :)
at queentowns having curry chicken...

today very moodly!!!
work tgt with her very stress cuz ii cant ask her about the report thing
cuz she taught me liao...

If ii dunnoo , sure get her scolded ...
very very scare ....
don dare to ask her leh ....
scare scolded by her...


Written @ 1:54 PM

ii love it!!! thnks cheryl you la!!!

wanna have some music in my blog and tagboard!!! thnks!!
pls help me add kk... thnks...

workin now.. going foe lunch soonnn.. yeah yeah.....

Written @ 11:50 AM

I am finally done with your blog, hope you like it.

You look wonderful tonight! (:

Written @ 4:58 AM

Friday, May 14, 2010

Written @ 3:24 PM


i wanna change of my character or that trying to change now...
just give me times to change. i am the gal that only know how to drink & play
don't how to think of my further & goal...
Please GOD help me!!! Need your help now!!!
Dpn't look behind the past ...
look at 2010 NOW!!!!

Written @ 3:17 PM

The Day We Had Swensens

Written @ 3:12 PM

happy happy!!!!

happy with my life on now....
happy to have a really call true friend...
happy to be with u ....
happy to have a job that ii can learn more..
happy to have work friend...
happy monday...
happy tuesday...
happy wednesday...
happy thursday...
happy friday...
happy sat...
happy sunday...

happy with eveyday of my life.......

Written @ 3:08 PM

Always me ....

Written @ 2:59 PM