
My name is Stella and I love eating.
I'm currently attached to Kairen on the 8th of April.
I love shopping and working too!
Best Viewed in Morzilla Firefox.

Still counting
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

mY lOv3 oNesss

My 2nd Blog
Lynn Mei
Joshua Bro
Thursday, August 26, 2010
today Thursday.... Love Friday... tml is Friday...
Hmmm... lunch over ,ow back to work... had lunch at canteen ALONE!!!!
SAD SAD ... OKOK i go alot of work to do now... BYEBYE!!!

Written @ 12:22 PM

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Just finish Lunch with Mr Lee Wee Hoo..
He came back frm JBL - Jalan Boon Lay
... Then had lunch with him talk about work thing ...
Ohohoho.. now in office waiting for work to do...
Yup Yup... Cheryl miss u!!!!!

Written @ 12:27 PM

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Early in the morning....
Wanna share something ....
But don't know wanna share what....
I was thinking now my life izzit good or bad?
I was thinking that am i a good girlfriend?
I was thinking that am i a true friend??
I was thinking when i will die ?
I was thinking when i can be rich?
Was thinking & thinking....
But there's no answer cuz i have find out myself....
siiannnn.... lor....

Written @ 7:50 AM

Monday, August 16, 2010
hi everyone ,

i'm back... long time never update my lovely blog, ytd had alot of fun cuz ytd baby soccer team won 5 - 0!!!!
then after soccer we went for our lunch & after lunch we went to visit our friend then we went back to toa payoh enter, thinking what movie we should watch so we decided to watch a movie called " The Curse" is a Mandrine movie. Not bad la after movie we went for our dinner STEAMBOAT!!! So we had a wonderful day on *150810.

So now i am working alot of paper work waiting for me to finish it. Hmmmm.... ok thats all i wanted share so get back to my work!! I will upload some photo when i got back to my home.

Oppss.... I forget to say out the name that together ytd...
There's Darren , Dareen Girlfriend , Ah Wee , Cheryl , K , K Girlfriend , Doyle , Nixion , Kabe , BabyKairen & Me!!!!
Total Bike : 6 bikes

Written @ 10:45 AM

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Wallpaper of my com???
Which one nicer??

Written @ 3:47 PM

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
ohohoho... i just finish my lunch time... had lunch at canteen OMG...
hmmmm... now working start to have thing to do now.. so long nv blogging liao...
okok... later hope baby can pick me up as uncle today off ... hehehe...

Love u baby.. Sweet Sweet..

hmmmm... no chatting anymore now..
cuz now alot of thing to DO & WAITING for me!!!!


Written @ 12:45 PM

Monday, August 9, 2010

Written @ 1:46 PM

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
just finish my T-break... hahahah.. shortcut... hmmm... later i think not going out ...
but i going to have my dinner later.... hmmmm...
now i have alot alot of thing to do, but now i left 2 more hours ago...
hahhahha... going to say byebye... hahahha....
ytd i spent on my clothes , short & shoes COST $150!!!! Arhh!!! too ex ....
but i one yr buy one time so is worth it because i love the clothes that i brought for myself...
i thnk i share go take a english lesson.. cuz my english Kanna Sia!!!
hahahhah... hmmmm... this 2 days at work place feeling not bad & ppl in there abit friendly la..
hahahha ... not like lasttime i work in CityCab...
they very friendly.. hahhaha..... also had lunch at canteen....
now going to work.. so i GTG...
Sweetie Stella

Written @ 3:29 PM

Monday, August 2, 2010
hmmm.... i am so bored frm morning till now... going to knock off... baby coming down to pick me up.... hahahhha... today learn many thing in the website called maximo... not bad... i now taking in charge of army tuck... 5 Tun or 7 Tun... yup yup... and rarolver.... ii think like tt spell ba.... hmmm... time pass so fast.... omg...

Written @ 4:06 PM